Saturday, August 16, 2008

And we're off!

So much going on the last week.
Took the kids to my mom's trailer Sunday. I came home Wednesday with the little guy and she stayed with the two older boys an extra night. Nice to have it quiet around here to get some things done.
Decided to go to a chiropracter on Thursday. I think I'm on the right track with the headaches. Yesterday was the first day I haven't had a headache in months. I'll need to go a few more times yet, but I feel so much better already.
Took the two older boys away yesterday. W got a quick hair cut and then we headed in to pick up their tuxes. An hour and a half there ... so many alterations and they had white pants for them. They were supposed to be black so they weren't the right length. I was running so late then that luckily my sister-in-law came at the same time to get our nephew's tux, so she took the boys to our niece's wedding rehearsal. I ran to the store and grabbed pants, shirt, tie for hubby ... shoes, gitch, pantyhose, eye cream, scrub for me ... socks for the boys. Then tore out to the church. Grabbed the boys and hit another mall so I could get an outfit and shoes for the little guy. Nothing like leaving things until the last minute, eh?
We've got to be to the church by 12:30 at the latest today. Hope I can get everything I want to get done this morning. Not sure if I'll have time to bleach the mustache or not. I wish I was completely hairless. I'd wear wigs just to avoid the rest of the body hair removal processes.
Enough stalling.
Better get moving.
Wish me luck.

1 comment:

laverneboese said...

Wow, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate...good luck!!!